Nourished by a familial passion for sharing good wines, I devoted my agricultural university studies to oenology. Naturally, I sought to experience vinification, especially of reds and whites, myself. Enabled technically through my training and emboldened by my work of the vine, I created the company Vinilibre.
Since 2007, I’ve tasted tens of thousands of wines presented in French, European, and Global wine fairs.
I’ve met hundreds of winemakers. From mountain peaks to valley basins, I have sought these artists whose wines move me so. I walked their hillsides and witnessed the nature of their soils, absorbing their know-how and their sense perception, respecting the quasi paternal love they bestow on their vines. In their cellars, I degusted their wines - utilizing all my senses - seeing, sniffing, feeling, tasting, and listening, as I assimilated the particularisms of different cultural techniques in winemaking and elevage.
Vinilibre initially chose to connect these producers of excellence and professional consumers when it started in 2015, through its late sales agency.
After so many wine excursions, I naturally incorporated importation into the business. The DNA of what is now Vinilibre materialized in 2017 and then coalesced in 2018 with the creation of the De Vini brand.
Vinilibre: it is a seed composed of a wine negociant, a viticulturist, and a vigneron nourished with equal parts wisdom and madness. And just as the grape unifies and magnifies its terroir, Vinilibre amalgamates its components into one harmonious whole.
Christophe Bosque